Flask RestAPI with requests

Introduction: Requests is a Python module that you can use to send all kinds of HTTP requests. It is an easy-to-use library with a lot of features ranging from passing parameters in URLs to sending custom headers and SSL Verification. we can use requests library very easily like this. import requests req = requests.get('https://www.excellencetechnologies.in/') Now let’s install the requests library. How to Install Requests: You can make use of pip, easy_install, or tarball package managers.

Flask API: E-mail Support


The ability to send emails to either the users of your application or to yourself is a very nice feature to have in your web application. This blog post will demonstrate how to incorporate the sending of emails to users when they create a new account. how to confirm users’ email address.

Deploy Python App On Server

In this blog post we will see how to deploy your python web app on any dedicated server like VPS, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud GCP etc basically any server where you have shell access and root access.

Python Deploy Your Flask App – Heroku

Till now in our previous blog posts we have developed our flask application, lets now see how we can deploy it to a server.

GraphQL Client – React

There are two major client side library’s which we can use with react for GraphQL a) Apollo b) Relay In the post we will look at Apollo and how to use it. If we compare Apollo with Relay Apollo Very simple to learn and fast to implement Work’s cross platform, we can use this on React/Angular/Vue etc This is the major reasons for using apollo client, here is a very short comparison for the same.

GraphQL Fragments

Fragments is also a very important concept in GraphQL. This is used to group re-usable code together. To get a basic understanding about this, read the below blog post its very simple and easy to understand https://medium.com/graphql-mastery/graphql-fragments-and-how-to-use-them-8ee30b44f59e Let’s see how we can us it in our todo application. In our app all queries, mutations are using these fields id, task, isComplete We can easily reuse this in our app like this