GraphQL Basic Concepts

In this blog we will try to understand the basic concepts of GraphQL. Make sure to read my previous blog as this is in continuation of that. Endpoint First basic thing to understand is that, GraphQL run on a single endpoint, as opposed to rest api’s have multiple rest api’s url. So all graphql queries, mutations etc all run on a single api end point only. Queries Queries are used to fetch data in graphql.

GraphQL Basics – What is it?

In this post we will first try to understand what is graphql. This blog could be long but i will try to explain GraphQL from a beginners point of view P.S. GraphQL is an advanced concept, so its understood that you are aware of concepts like rest api’s, frontend/backend technologies. What is it GraphQL is a query language or in a way to structure your api’s on backend, frontend. It’s a new way in which you should write your backend and also a different way to call api’s from frontend.

React Hooks Basics

Hooks are upcoming features in React and are currently available in version 16.7.0-alpha.2. The hook can be used by installing the above version. npm i react@next react-dom@next So, what are Hooks? Hooks let you use React features without writing classes, they are functions that let you ‘hook into’ React state and life cycles from the functional component. Note : Hooks don’t work inside classes. Below we will see a simple example of the counter using both class and functional components with Hooks to grasp the concept of Hooks.

What is Expo?

This blog is to give an insight on what Expo is and what Expo can do for React Native developer. There are two ways to start building a new React Native Application, either with React-Native CLI or with Expo CLI(previously it was create-react-native-app). The first notable difference between both is ease of getting started, without any configuration or any initial setup, which is provided by Expo CLI. You don’t need to install XCode or Android Studio to build native code which is not the case with React-Native CLI.

React Portals

Portals is a feature which was added in React 16. It lets you render children into DOM node outside of the parent component. How to create Portal? ReactDOM.createPortal(child,domNode) where child can be any renderable React element such as fragment, strings or elements and domNode is DOM element. What can we do with Portals? We can make Modals, Tooltips or even opening a different window sharing same state as the component from which it is opened is also achievable using Portals.

Flask – Application Factory

Application factory is a pattern in flask and used most of the times when we split our code based into difference files.

In the previous blog post we slow how to simply split our code, in this post we will take it further and see what is best recommended way of doing it and why.
