Explore VueJs with Capacitor for cross platform mobile apps

In one of our projects we had to explore porting a vue web app to mobile ios/android app. The project budget was small and needed an option to export existing vue to app to mobile without too much overhead. The client wanted to explore the mobile option briefly first before going for a full blown native app. To solve this problem, we tried out https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/ Capacitor worked well in our inital tests and we will follow up with a full review later on.

VueJS Router Code Splitting

Code splitting is quite an interesting concept and can be used with vue router easily. PS: This an advanced topic, so its important to have a good understanding of vue-router before reading this. Let’s first understand what is the use of code splitting. If we have large project with lot of components and we build via cli the final bundle.js file can become quite large. This can cause issue during first time loading of the page as sometimes the bundle js file might go into mb’s

Vuex Pathify – Simplify Vuex

Vuex Reduce Boilerplate using vuex-map-fields

Vuex is a great tool for state management, but i find that using vuex causes lot of boilerplate code. I will try to explain it in this blog post and will explore a tool called “vuex-map-fields” which i think makes things simpler.

Before going further, its important to realize that vuex-map-fields is only useful for two way data binding of form fields.

Vuex what “data” to keep in state

ReactJS Important Updates To Use

React team has pushed some important updates recently which should be implemented across all projects. Lets look at those updates those updates in detail and how to use them.
