Atom vs. Visual Code Editor

Atom vs. Visual Code Editor. Speed, Plugins, Formatting Helpers, git support There are several debates regarding editor comparisons over the forums. Today comparison will help you decide according to your preferences for the best suitable editor. No Doubt Editor is the strongest tool in common for any developer. It helps you save a lot of switches and remembering tasks, for example, function parameters, similar function names, syntax formatting and a lot more you know of.

Introduction to blockchain

This blog post will act as an prelude to our smart contracts & dapps development series. In the blog we will try to first understand what is a blockchain, how it works and specifically focus on bitcoin/ethereum. Its required to have good understanding on core concepts to do development on the platform. Blockchain Blockchain is basically a decentralize platform, in which miners solve a cryptographic hash and generate blocks. Each block has a number of transactions depending on the blocksize.

Cordova Ionic Google Oauth Login For Your Mobile App

In this blog post, we will see how to add google login for your mobile app. We will see how to add it all three platforms desktop, android and ios

Cordova Ionic Facebook Login For Your Mobile App

In this blog post we will see how to integrate facebook login with cordova for your mobile app. We will see how to integrate this on desktop, android and ios. This blog uses the ionic framework, but you can use plan simple cordova as well.

AngularJS UI Routing

In this blog post we look at how to use the angularjs ui router library. This is not the $routeProvider service which comes with angularjs but rather an external and more powerful library for routing.

AngularJS Directive Scope Attribute Binding – Isolate Scope

In this blog post we will see how scope work with directives, how directive inherits scope from controller and what are the best ways of doing this.
