How To Use Visual Studio Code for Remote Development using SSH


Visual Studio Code is by far one of the best IDE for developers due to its large numbers of plugins, cross-platform, etc. We will be mainly focusing on Remote - SSH plugin for Visual Studio Code that will help us to connect to a remote server/system for application development using our local workstation cool!

Learn How To Work On The React Portals

What is a Portal anyway? Well, as quoted in the google dictionary, its “a doorway, gate, or other entrance.”

React v16.0 brought a similar concept of Portal that provides a way to transport a piece of UI into some other locations on to the DOM Tree while preserving its position in the React hierarchy, allowing it to maintain the properties and behaviors it has inherited from the React tree. Isn’t that amazing, you put your component in one place, and after the rendering, it’s somewhere else in the DOM tree.

Docker Compose Nodejs Express – Part 2

This is in continuation of our previous blog, where we deployed a simple app using docker. In this blog, we will see how to use docker-compose and whats the purpose of the same.

Docker Getting Started – NodeJs Express App

In this post we will see simple steps to get started with setting up a nodejs app in docker.

Django Polymorphic Model

In this blog, we will learn about the use of the Polymorphic model of Django. Polymorphism: Polymorphism means the same function name (but different signatures) being uses for different types. Example: print(len("geeks")) output-:5 print(len([10, 20, 30])) output-:3 In the above example, len is a function that is used for different types. Polymorphic model is also based on polymorphism. I did use the polymorphic model in many projects in excellence technologies.

Introduction to Web Scraping

What is Web Scraping? Web Scraping is the process of data extraction from various websites. DIFFERENT LIBRARY/FRAMEWORK FOR SCRAPING: Scrapy:- If you are dealing with complex Scraping operation that requires enormous speed and low power consumption, then **Scrapy **would be a great choice. Beautiful Soup:- If you’re new to programming and want to work with web scraping projects, you should go for**_ Beautiful Soup_**. You can easily learn it and able to perform the operations very quickly, up to a certain level of complexity.