
In this blog post we look at how to use the angularjs ui router library. This is not the $routeProvider service which comes with angularjs but rather an external and more powerful library for routing.

In this blog post we will see how scope work with directives, how directive inherits scope from controller and what are the best ways of doing this.

AngularJS has a directive “ng-repeat” which is very widely used. ng-repeat is used in almost every application but if not used properly can cause various performance issues.

In this post we will look into the compile and link functions of angular directives. Angular directives are very powerful if used properly. Compile and Link are basic directive functions which need to be understood properly to use angular directives efficiently.

AngularJS provide three useful services which it uses internally., $compile, $parse, $interpolate. These service are mainly used to evaluate expression and rendering UI.

At the heart of angularjs is data binding, in this blog post we will see how angular implements this and what is the life cycle of angular scope. This is very important to understand if you want to optimize your application for performance.

In most angular applications, we use multiple controllers. Many cases arise when we to share data from one controller to another. Lets see how to handle these conditions.

We know angularjs has a data binding between scope and html, which means what ever data changes we make in our controller scope it gets reflected to our html. But things change when we use a 3rd party library or external events to make changes to our scope.

In this blog post we will look into more advanced things related to ng-repeat directive.

In this blog post we will see how to use ngBindHtml directive in angularjs

In this blog we will see what is a child scope of a directive and what are its implications.

In this blog post we will see in more detail about angular $scope variable

In this blog post we are going to see one of most important aspects of angularjs i.e data binding.

In this blog post we will see how to get started with angularjs, what is it and the basics.
