In this article we will see how to integrate database specially mongodb with our api.
Till now all our database has been stored in lists, but instead we need store data in database now.
I use mongodb since its very fast to write code on it, no need to setup db structure etc, just start to write code.
We will use , so install it and do the basic setup as per the documentation.
$ pip install Flask-PyMongo
from flask_pymongo import PyMongo
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["MONGO_URI"] = "mongodb://localhost:27017/todo"
mongo = PyMongo(app)
In this post we will just do simple CRUD operation of our todo app in mongo
P.S: I am making login optional in CRUD routes just for the sake of testing code faster.
@app.route('/todo', methods=["POST"])
def add_todo():
if not request.json:
title = request.json.get("title", None)
desc = request.json.get("description", "")
due = request.json.get("due", None)
if due is not None:
due = datetime.datetime.strptime(due, "%d-%m-%Y")
due =
current_user = get_current_user()
user_id = ""
if current_user is not None and "id" in current_user:
user_id = current_user["id"]
# use insert_one to do insert operations. id is auto generated
ret = mongo.db.tasks.insert_one({
"title": title,
"description": desc,
"done": False,
"due": due,
"user": user_id
# fetch the inserted id and convert it to string before sending it in response
return jsonify(str(ret))
See inline code comments for explanation
Todo Update
Let’s see update
@app.route("/todo/<string:id>", methods=['PUT'])
def update_todo(id):
if not request.json:
title = request.json.get("title", None)
desc = request.json.get("description", "")
if title is None:
return jsonify(message="Invalid Request"), 500
update_json = {}
if title is not None:
update_json["title"] = title
if desc is not None:
update_json["description"] = desc
# match with Object ID
ret = mongo.db.tasks.update({
"_id": ObjectId(id)
}, {
"$set": update_json
}, upsert=False)
return jsonify(ret)
Todo Read
@app.route('/todo', methods=["GET"])
@app.route('/todo/<string:direction>', methods=["GET"])
def todo(direction=None):
# direction is optional
current_user = get_current_user()
if direction == "ASC":
direction = 1
direction = -1
if direction is not None:
if current_user is not None and "id" in current_user:
if current_user["role"] == "normal":
ret = mongo.db.tasks.find(
{"user": current_user["id"]}).sort("due", direction)
ret = mongo.db.tasks.find({"user": ""}).sort(
"due", direction).limit(5)
if current_user is not None and "id" in current_user:
ret = mongo.db.tasks.find(
{"user": current_user["id"]})
ret = mongo.db.tasks.find({"user": ""}).limit(5)
tasks = []
for doc in ret:
doc["_id"] = str(doc["_id"])
return jsonify(tasks)
Todo Delete
Finally, delete
@app.route("/todo/<string:id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def delete_todo(id):
ret = mongo.db.tasks.remove({
"_id" : ObjectId(id)
return jsonify(ret)
So we have complete full CRUD operations using mongodb and show how easy is to implement mongo with python!
Next, you could implement the full todo app with authorization on mongo to improve your skills.