This is in continuation of my previous article for Todo App API. In this post we will some more advanced features to our todo app and improve our python skills
Generate ID For Todo
In our previous api, when we create a new todo we take the “id” from request json. Currently lets try two things
- Add Validation for ID that it should be unique
- Instead of taking ID from request json, generate a unique id always
Its expected you first try solution for this yourself i.e google and see if you can solve this yourself
global tasks
task = [task for task in tasks if task["id"] == id]
print(task) #this is use to debug and it will print value on your terminal
if len(task) > 0:
return jsonify(message="Duplicate ID")
global tasks
"id": len(tasks) + 1,
"title": title,
"description": desc,
"done": False
You could also generate a UUID for a id? try it out
Update Task status to done
In this we will create another route to mark/unmark a task as done
def mark(task, status, task_id):
if task_id == task["id"]:
task["done"] = status
return task
@app.route("/todo/mark/<int:task_id>/<int:status>", methods=["PUT"])
def mark_task(task_id, status):
global tasks
if status == 1:
status = True
status = False
tasks = [mark(task, status, task_id) for task in tasks]
return jsonify(tasks)
Add Due Date to tasks
For date operation, python has a library called datetime. In our request json, we will pass a date parameter “12/23/2018” and store that in our array.
@app.route('/todo', methods=["POST"])
def add_todo():
if not request.json:
title = request.json.get("title", None)
desc = request.json.get("description", "")
due = request.json.get("due" , None)
if due is not None:
due = datetime.datetime.strptime(due, "%d-%m-%Y")
due =
global tasks
"id": len(tasks) + 1,
"title": title,
"description": desc,
"done": False,
"due" : due
return jsonify(len(tasks))
Let’s add sort option to our GET route
def sort_due_date(x):
return x["due"]
@app.route('/todo', methods=["GET"])
@app.route('/todo/<string:direction>', methods=["GET"])
def todo(direction=None):
# direction is optional
if direction == "ASC":
direction = True
direction = False
global tasks
if direction is not None:
tasks.sort(reverse=direction, key=sort_due_date)
return jsonify(tasks)
At this point we have covered different use cases and should have good understanding of flask/python basics now